Pourquoi faire confiance à Sendwave

Verifying Your Identity

Account verification protects your account and transactions so that you are the only one who can access your funds.

How does verification keep my account and identity safe?

Account verification helps us to confirm that it is you setting up your account - not someone else using your identity. Questions asked during the process, and requested documentation, will afford us high-confidence that the account creator is the true identity holder.

What do I need to verify my account?

Several things may be asked for, depending on the information available at account creation. Identification in the form of a driver's licence, passport or visa from one of our sending countries is often a requirement, all of which can be sent securely within the Sendwave App.

What if I don’t have the right documents?

We are required by law to verify the identity of all new users for regulatory reasons. This means we will need the correct identification documents.

Can I have more than one Sendwave account?

It is only possible to have one Sendwave account. The account must be a personal account, not in the name of a business or organization. If you elect to delete your Sendwave account, you may need to contact us to create a new one.

Aide 24/7

Si vous avez besoin d’aide avec l’appli, l’équipe Sendwave se tient à votre entière disposition via le chat de l’application ou votre messagerie pour une assistance à jour. Pour une assistance téléphonique, cliquez sur le bouton « Contactez-nous ».


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Commencez à envoyer de l'argent à vos proches

Il suffit de télécharger l'application, d'enregistrer votre carte de paiement, de vérifier votre identité et de commencer rapidement à transférer de l'argent à vos amis et à vos proches. Voilà, c'est très simple.

Scannez ce code QR avec votre téléphone pour télécharger notre application !
